Kris Kaspersky, 1976-2017
Software Construction
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Ilya Segalovich
Ilya Segalovich 1964-2013
Rails and Merb
I spent 3 weeks to understand Ruby way in web development. The main goal was to learn Rails, so I bought Russian translation of he book The Rails Way . What a pity, the book based on Rails 1.x, but current version of Rails was 2.3.5, therefore I decided to throw out these useless papers […]
Project: “Advertising Broker”
We’re starting the new project: “Advertising Broker”
Hello, blog!
Let’s begin. I’m proud to introduce me and my new blog. My name is Sergey Nemtsev, aka Nem, aka IronNem. I’m software developer from Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation. The main purpose of this blog is to share my experience with community. I’ll try to write in two languages (English and Russian). If you have any questions, […]